3 Session Holistic Wellness Bundle
Individualized Traditional Medicine Sessions
Service Description
This is an investment in your physical, spiritual and emotional wellbeing on a deeper, more individualized level. It is recommended that the sessions are carried out weekly for 3 consecutive weeks. If you have deep-seated old trauma or a chronic condition, you will want to purchase this bundle for deeper and sustained results. Your first appointment will be a one 90 minute initial consultation, treatment planning and initial treatment. We will begin with a "spirit talk" and together we will determine the best suited combination of earth elements needed for your healing sessions. (Folk medicine healings can be performed with various objects depending on the practitioner or the situation at hand and are generally performed with elements found in nature such as plants, fire, smoke, water, air, minerals, etc.) Your second appointment will consist of a check-in from the previous session and a 60 minute traditional medicine treatment designed for your specific needs at that time, as density and stagnancy begin to lift. Your third appointment we will be a full 90 minute deeper shamanic cleanse and you will leave with a custom-blended herbal remedy for continued healing work. This session may include a Susto treatment if needed. Susto could be roughly translated as “a scare” or “a fright,” and is a chronic health condition in which the patient somatically (physically) suffers because of some kind of “spirit attack", shock, emotional trauma, or from witnessing or experiencing a traumatic event. The “scare” can be caused by any unexpected and striking event, such as the death of someone, a fire, war, sexual abuse, earthquake, dog attack, or car accident, etc.
Cancellation Policy
Things happen and, on occasion, an appointment may need to be cancelled or rescheduled. We request at least 24 hour notification so the time reserved for you may be open for others in need of our service. Thank you. Contact info@activatedearthasheville.com with any questions