Healing Arts
Personalized traditional ancestral folk medicine and shamanic healing services for holistic wellness in Asheville, NC
Traditional medicine (earth based healing arts) can cleanse and uplift your energetic field and bring a sense of ease, rejuvenation, sovereignty, and clarity. It is known to assist with emotional imbalances, loss of identity, addictions, anger, phobias, and fears. Whether you have been diagnosed with a physical disease or are experiencing physical discomfort, are struggling with mental or emotional difficulties, or are looking to bring your mind, body, and spirit into alignment, you can benefit from traditional medicine.
Healing Services
How Does It Work?
Our bodies are made of around 60% water as well as atoms, molecules, cells, and tissues that are superimposed energy fields. We are light energy beings and as such we are affected by everything around us.
As a result of the dominator culture we live in at present, there are implications and impacts that we suffer as humankind. People are living with chronic and unresolved trauma, chronic pain, anger, unworthiness, and many other types of suffering that create dense, “sticky”, low-vibrational energy fields.
We, just like every other living thing on Earth, unconsciously absorb these dense energies daily. This density can accumulate in the body and create anxiety, fatigue, depression, autoimmune disorders, or some other form of dis-ease.
Earth-based traditional medicine dislodges density and stagnancy from your emotional, mental and physical body, which is crucial in these times. You will notice transformational life shifts unfold quickly and with ease upon beginning your healing journey.
"To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always."
-Sir William Osler